
Andrea Bazzoli, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

Andrea is the lab director and principal investigator. Feel free to visit the About Me page to learn more about him!

Kelly Nguyen

3rd Year Doctoral Student

She is broadly interested in studying racial and gender disparities in the workplace, diversity and inclusion, and leadership. She hopes to unpack these areas further to gain a better understanding of how these issues influence employee well-being and health. 

Lia Crowley

2nd Year Doctoral Student

Her current research interests include workplace motivation, and the use of social network analysis and big data to study organizations.  

Ava Morgan

2nd Year Doctoral Student

Her main research interests include personal authenticity and diversity in the workplace, inclusion and/or exclusion resulting from those factors, and how this all affects employee satisfaction. She is also broadly interested in other factors that affect employee well-being, like work-family conflict, organizational support, and work stress.

Cassidy Griffin

1st Year Doctoral Student

Her current research interests broadly include the intersection of diversity and leadership, individual differences, and technology in the workplace.

Jason Phillips

1st Year Doctoral Student

He is interested in broadly applying IO Research to Skilled Laborer/ Tradesperson/Blue Collar Worker populations. He is focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Fit Theory.  

Paisley Shultz

1st Year Doctoral Student

Her broad research interest is the topic of resilience. Moreover, I am intrigued by socioeconomic status as an identity marker and its effects on compensation, salary negotiation, and systemic pay gaps. I am also curious how myriad groups respond to technological advancement and how their responses impact their subsequent socioeconomic mobility.